Solution Specialist. Single Mom. Teacher. Entrepreneur. Expert Generalist.
I am a natural-born problem solver and a leader driven by being passionately curious. I always have a “desire to know" and a "hunger for answers." This has brought me much success in my various ventures, including my business, ‘At Your Service Corridor Community,’ where I earned the title of 'Solution Specialist.' I get to share my skills and unbiased outlook to help local businesses and entrepreneurs be successful by mentoring and inspiring them. I help business owners strategize, organize, and streamline their to-do lists and business processes so they will have time to focus on the things that they need more time for. Sometimes this could be by implementing technology, being an accountability partner, or just being a soundboard.
Anyone who knows me knows I have the heart of a teacher and the mind of an expert generalist. This has helped me have a seamless transition to my latest area of DEI with an emphasis on accessibility. I call it I.B.E.A.D for Inclusion, Belonging, Equity, Accessibility, and Diversity.
What may not be apparent when first meeting me is that my life has been deeply impacted by invisible disabilities, including a few rare diseases of my own. When I was 22 years old, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Narcolepsy w/ Cataplexy. Since my diagnosis, I have had to try different methods to find what worked and didn’t work for me in my personal life, home life, and workplace. I learned to manage my symptoms and create a solid routine that worked for me. Also when I was 22, I was granted sole custody & guardianship of my 15-year-old brother (I am the oldest of six), who was hearing impaired. This further fueled my fire for inclusion and accessibility advocacy.
I am also a single mother to daughter Mai (MA-ee). Mai also lives with a few invisible disabilities, and since the start, this has been an uphill battle for both of us in terms of finding answers and getting her the care she needs. I found myself being Mai’s sole advocate, and with that came endless hours of research, working with various doctors and contacts, and learning the right questions to ask to get the answers that might lead to a solution. With Mai’s diagnosis came the formation of a system that works to make her everyday life manageable; this includes structure and routine, a collaboration of medications, finding solutions with technology, and extra school support. It is an ever-changing struggle that requires me to constantly search for better answers as Mai continues to grow.
These experiences give me a front-row seat to the daily struggles those with invisible disabilities face within our community. Through my work as an IBEAD Learning Specialist, launching the Invisible Disability Roundtable, and launching my blog, I aim to make life more manageable and accessible for those living with both invisible and visible disabilities. "Invisible disabilities are still visible to me.”
My New Venture